    wednesday is indigo blue, richard cytowic and david eagleman
    the frog who croaked blue, jamie ward
    prosopagnosia, face blindness explained, lyndsay leatherdale
    understanding facial recognition difficulties in children, nancy l.mindick
    face recognition and its disorders, sarah bate
    what color is monday?, carrie cariello
    m is for autism, the students of limpsfield grange schoo
    color and texture associations in voice-induced synaesthesia, anja moos,david simmons, julia simner and rachel smith.published in frontiers in psychology
    is synaesthesia more common in autism?, simon baron-cohen et al,published in molecular autism
    whitchurch, a.k.(1922).synaesthesia in a child of three and a half years,american journal of psychology, 33, 302-303.this little boy-edgar curtis-also featured in an edition of popular science magazine in november 1922
    professor jamie ward's synaesthesia films at gocognitive
    an eyeful of sound, an animated documentary about synaesthesia directed by samantha moore
    olivier messiaen 1908-1992: messiaen and synaesthesia, philharmonia orchestra
    amythest schaber's youtube vlogs, ask an autistic
    the autistic me (bbc documentary)