7.2 Summary of the Main Findings
    7.2 summary of the main findings
    in this section, the main findings of the study are summarized based on the results of the statistical tests and data analysis reported in chapter 5 and chapter 6.
    chapter 5 reported the results for the effects of the four different listening conditions on the participants' listening comprehension and incidental vocabulary acquisition. the main findings were:
    (a) all the groups of three-time listening significantly outscored the one-time listening group in comprehension, but no significant inter-group differences were observed among the three-time listening groups.
    (b) the participants in all four listening conditions acquired some vocabulary knowledge, especially in the aspects of receptive and form knowledge.
    (c) the participants who listened three times outperformed their one-time listening peers in vocabulary acquisition.
    (d) the inferencing training group outperformed the other groups in vocabulary acquisition from listening. however the advantages were quite slight and showed only in terms of recognition of word form.
    chapter 6 reported the results for the relationships between the participants' metacognitive listening awareness, listening comprehension, and incidental vocabulary acquisition. the main findings were:
    (a) the correlations between the participants' reported awareness of metacognitive strategies, listening comprehension, and their incidental vocabulary acquisition were generally on the low side.
    (b) with regard to the relationship between the participants' reported awareness of metacognitive strategies and listening comprehension, only person knowledge was related to listening comprehension in cycle 2 for those who listened without training (either listening one time or three times) ; only mental translation awareness was negatively related to listening comprehension of those who listened three times with schema-raising training or without training; reported use of planning-evaluation, directed attention and problem solving awareness were not found to be related to listening comprehension.
    (c) regarding the relationships between the participants' reported awareness of metacognitive strategies and incidental vocabulary acquisition, few significant correlations were found. reported use of planning-evaluation strategies was positively related to the immediate production tests and receptive tests for those learners who listened three times without training; mentaltranslation was negatively related to the immediate receptive tests in listening cycle 1 for those learners who listened three times either with inferencing training or without training and also to the delayed production tests of those who listened three times with inferencing training. the relationship between person knowledge awareness and incidental vocabulary acquisition was most evident in the receptive tests for those who listened three times without training.