5.1 introduction
this chapter will report the results for the first two research questions.
research question one is: what effects do different listening conditions have on learners' a) listening comprehension and b) incidental vocabulary acquisition?
research question two is: what is the relationship between learners' listening comprehension and incidental vocabulary acquisition?
the key independent variables to be examined in research question one are the four different listening conditions as:
1. listening to a text one time only (group a) ;
2. listening to a text three times (group b) ;
3. engaging in schema-raising training before listening to a text three times (group c) ; and
4. receiving inferencing training before listening to a text three times (group d).
the dependent variables to be examined in this chapter are:
1. listening comprehension
2. incidental vocabulary acquisition.
the instruments and procedures used to measure these variables are described in detail in chapter four (methodology). however, to facilitate processing of the results reported below, each variable is briefly described here again.
(a) listening conditions
four different listening conditions were designed as instructional treatments to different groups of learners to examine the effect of listening conditions on learners' listening comprehension and their incidental acquisition of new vocabulary.
group a listened to each text just once and filled in the task answer sheet while listening (4 minutes);
group b listened to the text three times. the first time they just listened and they completed the task answer sheet as they listened the second time. when they listened the third time, they checked their answers and made changes to their answers (10 minutes) ;
group c listened to the text three times as had group b, but before listening, they spent 5 minutes working in pairs on a topic-familiarization activity to activate schema relevant tothetopic by brainstorming/guessing/discussing, etc. (15 minutes) ;
group d also listened to the text three times like group b, but before listening, they received 5-minute training in the use of inferencing strategies to help them raise awareness of the importance in guessing the meaning of unknown words and to develop their ability to practise this strategy (15 minutes).
it should be noted that the teacher did not present the target words to any of the groups, and the words were only introduced in the context of the listening tasks.
(b) listening comprehension
the learners completed two cycles of listening tasks. within each listening cycle, the students were asked to listen and complete some tables with information. they were awarded one mark for each correct piece of information they provided in the tables. the total score for each listening cycle was 10 marks.
(c) incidental vocabulary acquisition
the learners' incidental vocabulary acquisition was measured by means of battery of vocabulary posttests after each listening task. the immediate posttests were administered immediately after each cycle of tasks, and the delayed posttests, identical to the immediate posttests, were administered one week later. the purpose of the tests was to measure the lexical gains the learners made from pre-tests to posttests. there were three different vocabulary tests—a production test, a test for the recognition of the form of words and a test of receptive knowledge. the total score of each posttest was 10 marks.
the study involved two separate cycles of listening activities. therefore, first, this chapter will consider to what extent the learners'performance in these two cycles was similar or different in order to decide whether to present results for the cycles separately or combined. next, results for listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition will be presented. then, a discussion of the results will follow. finally, a conclusion section will summarize the main findings.