4.3 research design
the main study was both an experimental and a correlational study. in the experimental study, the effects of four conditions for performing the listening tasks on the students' listening comprehension and incidental vocabulary acquisition were investigated. the four listening conditions were described in the previous section. this design allowed two listening conditions to be investigated: 1the effects of number of times listening texts are presented to the students, and2the effects of the pre-listening activity and the pre-listening training.
in the correlational study, measures of the participants' reported use of metacognitive strategies (i. e., their metacognitive listening awareness) were correlated with their scores on listening comprehension and vocabulary acquisition tests. measures of the participants' reported use of metacognitive listening strategies were obtained using a likert scale questionnaire, and measures of the participants' listening comprehension were obtained from four listening tasks, and measures of the participants'incidental vocabulary acquisition were obtained from three different types of vocabulary tests. these instruments are to be described in details in the upcoming section of this chapter.