1.5 summary of the contents of each chapterchapter 1, an introduction, includes the background of the study, the statement of the problems, the aims of the study, and a summary of the contents of the book.
chapter 2 provides a chronological survey of studies in efl listening comprehension and examines such factors as repetition, schema, and metacognitive listening awareness and strategies. this chapter also provides a survey of studies that have investigated incidental vocabulary acquisition through listening.
chapter 3 reports the pilot study. it served as a means of testing the design, procedures and materials to be used in the main study.
chapter 4 describes the method employed in the main study. the research context, the participants and the instruments used in the instruction are also described. this chapter concludes with a description of the data collection and data analysis procedures.
chapter 5 reports the results for research questions 1 and 2. it first presents the results of the participants' listening comprehension tests and vocabulary posttests, then presents a brief summary of the main findings, and finally concludes with a discussion of the main findings.
similar to the structure of chapter 5, chapter 6 reports the results for research questions 3 and 4. it first presents the results relating to the participants' metacognitive listening awareness questionnaire responses, listening comprehension tests and vocabulary posttests, then presents a brief summary of the findings, and finally concludes with a discussion of the main findings.
chapter 7 provides a summary of the main findings and then considers the pedagogical and theoretical implications. it concludes with a consideration of the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research.