    01 never litter anywhere.
    litter ['l?t?(r)] v. 丢垃圾
    1. hands up! 举起手来!
    2. get down! 趴在地上!
    3. back off! 闪开!
    4. no smoking! 请勿吸烟!
    5. smoking is not permitted here. 这里不许抽烟。
    6. keep off the grass! 请勿践踏草坪!
    7. you are not permitted to smoke here. 这里不许抽烟。
    02 i strongly urge you to change your diet.
    1. you can't be too careful. 你要再三小心。
    2. you had better hurry up. 你最好快点。
    3. you'd better keep your mouth shut. 你最好保持沉默。
    4. you had better take a raincoat. 你最好带上雨衣。
    5. you had better work hard. 你最好努力干。
    hurry up 快点
    allen: ouch! i have a horrible toothache.
    steven: i strongly urge you to change your diet. you have eaten too much dessert.
    03 you'd better mind your own business.
    解析 ▲ mind one's business的意思是“少管闲事”,一般用于威胁或者告诫。
    1. i deem it wise to call him back. 我认为给他回电话是明智的。
    2. you had better own up. 你最好坦白交待。
    3. i must caution you against the danger. 我必须告诫你谨防危险。
    4. watch out! don't play with that thing. 危险,别玩那个。
    5. let us not delude ourselves! 我们还是不要再自欺欺人了!
    call sb back 给某人回电话
    04 he's only a child. don't be hypercritical of him for one thing or another.
    解析 ▲ for one thing or another意思是“因为这样或那样的事”,一般在句中作状语。
    child [t?a?ld] n. 孩子
    hypercritical ['ha?p?'kr?t?k?l] adj. 吹毛求疵的
    it is better to____your time at this job than to hurry and make mistakes.
    a. bring b. take c. put d. return
    提示:take one's time是固定搭配,意思是“慢慢来,不急”。
    05 the headmaster gave me a written admonishment.
    written ['r?tn] adj. 书面的
    admonishment [?d'm?n??m?nt] n. 训诫
    1. he shouted to warn me. 他大喊着向我发出警告。
    2. the teacher advised him to change his way of living. 老师劝告他要改变生活方式。
    3. she turned a deaf ear to our warnings. 她对我们的警告充耳不闻。
    4. we had been forewarned of the risk of fire. 已经事先警告过我们有发生火灾的危险。
    way of living 生活方式
    turn a deaf ear to... 对……充耳不闻
    06 you can make it.
    1. what a relief! 真叫人宽慰!
    2. never mind. 别在意。
    3. better luck next time. 下次一定会走运的。
    4. don't give it another thought. 别放在心上。
    5. don't take it to heart. 不要放在心上。
    take it to heart 放在心上
    laura: i know life is not all roses, and i believe i will pull this through.
    steven: yeah, you can make it.
    07 it's not your fault.
    fault [f?:lt] n. 过错
    1. nobody's perfect! 人无完人!
    2. don't blame yourself. 别责备自己了。
    3. it happens to the best of us. 这种事谁都会遇到。
    4. just calm down a bit! 你先静一静!
    calm down 冷静
    08 the news brought comfort to all of us.
    解析 ▲ bring comfort to是一个动词词组,意思是“给……带来了安慰”,to后面一般跟表示人的名词或者代词。
    comfort ['k?mf?t] n. 安慰
    1. the president delivers some placatory remarks. 总统发表了一些安抚性的言论。
    2. the news consoled them a great deal. 这消息给了他们很大的慰藉。
    3. i found solace from watching movies when i was in trouble.
    4. your company has been a great consolation to me.
    09 he tried to soothe the crying child.
    try [tra?] v. 尝试,试图
    crying ['kra???] adj. 嚎哭的,叫喊的
    1. his neighbors came to comfort him. 邻居们都来安慰他。
    2. he tried to console her but in vain. 他试图安慰她,但是没有用。
    3. we appeased him by saying sorry. 我们道了歉才使他平静下来。
    say sorry 道歉